I've come to discover that the diligence Ken Kesey has inserted into the paragon of a
literary work has given me further implications as to how "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" relates
to our society today. The author uses portentous ways to develop his story and keep readers locked
in, making them want to continue on to see what the next page may lead too. The book follows a
group of very strange men who, to a mere person's visage, dearth intelligence. The author constantly
harbingers in the novel to develop his group of "extraordinary" men into a group of nutshell purgers,
which is completely obscure to the nurses that watch over them day by day. Until, it was too late.
to our society today. The author uses portentous ways to develop his story and keep readers locked
in, making them want to continue on to see what the next page may lead too. The book follows a
group of very strange men who, to a mere person's visage, dearth intelligence. The author constantly
harbingers in the novel to develop his group of "extraordinary" men into a group of nutshell purgers,
which is completely obscure to the nurses that watch over them day by day. Until, it was too late.
The novel , present in the 1960s, mostly follows a man known as Chief who pretends to be death and
"retarded" so people keep their distance. All while , in the "safe" grounds of a mental institute. The
main character Chief forms an amity with one of the new arriving patients , Murphy, who quickly
stirs up a hot bowl of mischief in the institute.
This is already relating to our society today, because this is a similar way to portray the
"new kid in school" who feels like he needs to prove himself to his new classmates. Well in Murphy's
case , fellow patients. To continue , the book goes on by the brilliant author constantly foreshadowing
to lead the reader on to what may happens next. Such as when Murphy breaks out the institute just to
incense the antagonist of the story, nurse Ratched. Nurse Ratched is the "head nurse" of the institute
and gives all mandates when it comes to punishing patients. These punishments could go from not
feeding you for days , to turning your brain into a mere cabbage , causing you to not even being able
to move on your own the rest of your life. Ratched is known for doing such horrific things , so when
Murphy constantly rebels by breaking out and bringing hookers back in the home , the nurse is
furious. She ends up sending Murphy to the lobotomy , where he is turned into a vegetable. Chief ,
knowing his new friend could never live the life he could before , makes a hard discretion and kills
him in his sleep. Chief could now hold his temperance no longer. He decides to break out and never
return. He runs away to Canada where he will live the rest of his life. This also relates to our society
today because many know of the mental institutes "crazy" people are being held at. Some in our
society may say its too luxurious, that those people belong in prison. Well with people like nurse
Ratched in the world, the insight our society has on the topic may change.
To conclude , I myself did not favor the book at all. I found it very dull with a lack of enhanced
writing. Sure foreshadowing made me wonder what characters planned on doing in the next chapter ,
but besides that i often found my self slumbering on a mattress after 15 minutes of reading. I found
the story very sick and twisted , and couldn't wait to be done with it.This book relates to our society
"retarded" so people keep their distance. All while , in the "safe" grounds of a mental institute. The
main character Chief forms an amity with one of the new arriving patients , Murphy, who quickly
stirs up a hot bowl of mischief in the institute.
This is already relating to our society today, because this is a similar way to portray the
"new kid in school" who feels like he needs to prove himself to his new classmates. Well in Murphy's
case , fellow patients. To continue , the book goes on by the brilliant author constantly foreshadowing
to lead the reader on to what may happens next. Such as when Murphy breaks out the institute just to
incense the antagonist of the story, nurse Ratched. Nurse Ratched is the "head nurse" of the institute
and gives all mandates when it comes to punishing patients. These punishments could go from not
feeding you for days , to turning your brain into a mere cabbage , causing you to not even being able
to move on your own the rest of your life. Ratched is known for doing such horrific things , so when
Murphy constantly rebels by breaking out and bringing hookers back in the home , the nurse is
furious. She ends up sending Murphy to the lobotomy , where he is turned into a vegetable. Chief ,
knowing his new friend could never live the life he could before , makes a hard discretion and kills
him in his sleep. Chief could now hold his temperance no longer. He decides to break out and never
return. He runs away to Canada where he will live the rest of his life. This also relates to our society
today because many know of the mental institutes "crazy" people are being held at. Some in our
society may say its too luxurious, that those people belong in prison. Well with people like nurse
Ratched in the world, the insight our society has on the topic may change.
To conclude , I myself did not favor the book at all. I found it very dull with a lack of enhanced
writing. Sure foreshadowing made me wonder what characters planned on doing in the next chapter ,
but besides that i often found my self slumbering on a mattress after 15 minutes of reading. I found
the story very sick and twisted , and couldn't wait to be done with it.This book relates to our society
because of the many ways its situation relates to real life problems. Such as facing a bully. In the novel , Murphy faces his demons by constantly confronting "Big nurse". It took a lot to make such a stand, but revenge would cost him his life later on in the book. Out of a rating from 1-10 i give this book a 4.